
The 学生会 of 国外博彩app (SGSU) is the official governing body of student representatives who are committed to advocating for the needs and concerns of the undergraduate student community.


Virtually every aspect of 国外博彩app is critically analyzed and addressed by a university committee. 这些团体是由教师组成的, 工作人员, students and administrators––meet and form initiatives to improve our campus, 我们的教育, 我们的学生经历. An SGSU appointee on a university committee represents the student's voice and is responsible for corresponding with SGSU to ensure continuity between University initiatives and the student body.

国外博彩app boasts about having a student body that is extremely involved, 社会就, 在政治上也很活跃. 然而,, in the process of “empowering leaders for a just and humane world,” we often overlook the responsibility we have to become involved on our own campus.

If you are looking for an opportunity to become a leader on campus, 请考虑在SGSU寻找职位. 作为SGSU的一员, you will have the unique opportunity to represent your fellow students to the University. 除了在SGSU的网络优势之外, senators and executive board members receive a scholarship for their work.


  • 高管成员: the 学生会主席, the 参议院主席, the 首席财务官, and two vice presidents.
  • 参议员: those elected to represent a particular constituent group, such as a college.
  • 工作人员: those hired by the 学生会主席 and the respective 执行 member.

另外, SGSU is advised by a team of dedicated and passionate 国外博彩app 工作人员 and graduate coordinator.





嘿! 我叫伊莎贝尔·阿拉米拉, 我来自盐湖城, 犹他州, and I am currently working toward my BA in Business Management and Business Analytics. I am a third-year here at 国外博彩app, and in my free time,
I love to hang out with friends, watch movies and find new restaurants to eat at. If you ever see me walking around on campus, come and say hi!

电子邮件: SGSUPresident@lengyileng.com
楼/室:STCN 360


Public Affairs and International Studies with a Minor in Spanish

今年的参议院主席! 我是圣地亚哥的三年级学生, 加州, and I am double majoring in Public Affairs and International Studies and minoring in Spanish. 你可以看到我在西雅图到处节俭, looking for good vegetarian restaurants and spending time with my friends whenever
我可以:). If you have any questions or concerns related to SGSU and how it operates, please contact me. 我在这里支持你们所有人!

电子邮件: SGSUSenateChair@lengyileng.com
楼/室:STCN 360



My name is 艾拉查尔默斯, and I am SGSU's 可访问性 Senator! I'm from Sacramento, 加州, and am in my third-year of the 商业与法律 major. Some of my favorite things are traveling around the country to see my favorite artists, 音乐会和我的法国斗牛犬!

电子邮件: SGSUVPCom@lengyileng.com
楼/室:STCN 360



我叫本·琼斯·赖斯. 我是土生土长的西雅图人, and a fourth-year at SU majoring in 经济学与会计学, 辅修国际研究. I am a dog-lover with two dopey doggos named Ruby and Joey. I play on the ultimate frisbee team and am a member of the Model United Nations club along with a few others.

I have always been strongly geared toward giving back to my community and helping those around me as much as I can, 在任何方面. 作为SGSU的代表, 我希望为学生的需求发声, assist in the implementation of policy to better address community issues, and be someone you can count on to tell it to you straight. Navigating university can be a difficult time and life doesn't pause, 可悲的是, 只是因为我们想要它. I hope to be able to help navigate those stressors and ease them to the best of my ability, 尤其是在学术方面.

电子邮件: SGSUVPAA@lengyileng.com
楼/室:STCN 360



大家好! 我的名字是Hyeri垫片,我很高兴能为大家服务
在SGSU工作的第三年,并担任首席财务官! To introduce myself, here are a few fun facts about me: I was born and raised in Washington state. I am a third-year 政治科学 major and Intellectual Traditions Honors student.

I love taking walks while listening to music, going out for boba, window shopping, singing at St. James Cathedral, and most of all, spending time with my family and friends. Also, I want to say thank you for again giving me the opportunity to serve you all. 我期待着共同努力,让我们的社区变得更好!

电子邮件: SGSUCFO@lengyileng.com
楼/室:STCN 360


学生Naho Umitani

Naho Umitani

你好, my name is Naho Umitani and I am from Honolulu, Hawaii! I am a second-year 社会学 major, and enjoy singing and collecting plants. I also participate in Model UN, choir and College Democrats here at 国外博彩app!

电子邮件: SGSUatLarge@lengyileng.com
楼/室:STCN 360



你好! My name is 雅各Caddali and I am a second-year political science major. 2026届毕业生加油! I live in Colorado Springs, Colorado, but I am originally from Ewa Beach, Hawaii. I love watching foreign dramas, writing and exploring the city. 很高兴能代表你们!

电子邮件: SGSUStudentEmployee@lengyileng.com

楼/室:STCN 360



大家好,我是安娜Vu,来自华盛顿州塔科马市. 我是SGSU的健康参议员. 另外,我是一名经济专业的二年级学生. For fun I like to read, watch my favorite movies and spend time with my friends!

电子邮件: SGSU健康and健康@lengyileng.com

楼/室:STCN 360



你好! 我叫Sarah raauf,来自明尼苏达州. 我主修市场营销和管理双学位. 我还有一个A.S. 在刑事司法和A.A. 文科. 在我的空闲时间,我喜欢锻炼,阅读,看F1. 作为阿尔伯斯的参议员, 我的目标是为我的选民的需求辩护, 同时确保每个人的声音都能被听到. 如果你在附近看到我,请过来打个招呼. 我很想听到你的消息!

电子邮件: SGSUAlbers@lengyileng.com

楼/室:STCN 360



电子邮件: SGSU护理@lengyileng.com

楼/室:STCN 360



嘿! 我的名字是杰瑞米·阮, and I am a second-year Cell and Molecular Biology Major with a minor in Psychology. I am from Honolulu, Hawaii, so in my free time I love going on hikes and adventures with my friends. 我也喜欢音乐和拉小提琴!

电子邮件: SGSUChiefof工作人员@lengyileng.com
楼/室:STCN 360

学生顾问Marissa Robledo说

嘿每个人! 我叫Marissa Robledo, M.Ed., and I am the Associate Director in the Center for Student Involvement and the Advisor for SGSU. 我是8月份加入国外博彩app的. 2021. 作为SGSU的顾问, I have a true passion for working with students and helping them grow and develop as leaders. 我也是主管领导的副主任 & 政府, SGSU和GSC顾问, 和领导力课程:领导力应用, iLead, 红色之夜.

电子邮件: mrobledo@lengyileng.com
楼/室:STCN 360B


嘿每个人! My name is Andrew, and I am working towards an MAED in the Clinical Mental 健康 Counseling program. 我在密苏里中部长大,那是一片玉米和豆类的土地. For fun, I love to play ultimate frisbee and dabble on the guitar.

电子邮件: apage1@lengyileng.com
楼/室:STCN 360


周一至周五上午9点.m.–5 p.m.

